Findings From Examining More Than a Decade of Public ICS/OT Exploits
Dragos is currently tracking 3000+ Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) that affect ICS/OT networks. Of those, more than 400 CVEs have at least one publicly available exploit. Public exploits affect every level of an industrial environment, providing adversaries pre-packaged tools capable of infiltrating an ICS/OT network.
Download this whitepaper to enable operators to remediate ICS/OT vulnerabilities more effectively. You will learn:
- What well-known organizations publish nearly 25% of all public ICS/OT exploits
- Why the amount of ICS/OT CVEs decreased in 2020
- How to pivot and persist within an ICS/OT network is the most common impact of a public exploit
- What public exploits are useless within the context of an ICS/OT network
- Based on known public ICS/OT exploits, what vulnerabilities should be remediated first