Cyberattacks and damages due to email breaches dramatically increased again this past year. The FBI estimates $5 billion in losses worldwide as email continues to be a primary attack vector for the initial compromise, with business email compromise accounting for $676 million in losses alone in 2017.
As SMB...
A six-month coordinated global law enforcement effort to crack down on business email compromise schemes has resulted in 74 arrests, the U.S. Department of Justice announced Monday.
File-less malware is a huge security challenge for organizations today, and traditional email security controls aren't sufficient to meet the challenge. It's time for a new approach email security.
The big issue is: The malicious payloads shift so much. It's really easy to do 100 variants of the same malicious...
A consistent message throughout this Summit: Most threats to an organization continue to enter through the route of least resistance - email. In this session, hear directly from a CISO on why email security needs renewed focus and how he's addressed it in his own organization, including:
Why smart employees continue...
Late last year in Australia, cybercriminals began targeting a fertile yet relatively poorly protected business sector for so-called business email compromise scams: the real estate industry. One expert says the industry, highly dependent on email, is ill-prepared for the attacks.
Business email compromise and account takeover attacks haven't faded; they've just morphed. Attacks are trending away from the old, static form and moving towards bypassing security controls and using social engineering techniques to ensnare victims.
Download this whitepaper on this new wave of attacks and learn...
This report uses healthcare-specific data to explore how medical staff and other end users in this industry are performing on cybersecurity assessments. We analyze responses gathered via nearly 85 million questions asked and answered in our Security Education Platform, as well as data culled from tens of millions of...
File-less malware is a huge security challenge for organizations today, and traditional email security controls aren't sufficient to meet the challenge. Burke Long of Lastline offers insight on a new way to approach email security.
What are the latest trends in BEC attacks? Does your organization have the security controls and resources in place to defend against them?
Download this report featuring exclusive BEC research and learn:
Which malicious emails bypass traditional email security protocols;
What a typical organization sending BEC...
Employees at Mesa Systems, a residential, commercial and logistics-based transportation solutions provider, were being tricked with highly sophisticated spear phishing emails causing much confusion in the workplace and a ton of overhead for the IT Department. So what did they do?
This case study reviews how Mesa...
Phishing attacks continue in 2018 to be very successful, regardless of all of the training employees have received. Threatening every organization around the world, attackers consider phishing a go-to technique to gain access to the network because it yields great success. With limited IT staff, budget constraints and...
Business email compromise and account takeover attacks haven't faded; they've just morphed. Wes Dobry of Agari discusses the new wave of these attacks and how organizations can do a better job of detecting and responding to them.
Business email compromise attacks that impersonate executives and business partners to trick employees are "the biggest security issue in all of technology today," says Dan Hoffmann of Agari.
In spite of all the news about advanced persistent threats and targeted hacks from nation-states, the most common security challenge facing enterprises today continues to be social engineering.
Successful hackers know the user is the weakest link in the security chain. Email phishing campaigns have proven to be...
If you browsed the latest security headlines, you'd probably think the majority of data breaches were related to hackers, political activists, malware or phishing. While the latter two hint at it, the truth is that nearly half of all data breaches can be traced back to insiders in some capacity.
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