Get Mandiant’s take on building security into AI systems, best practices for effective crisis communications during an incident, mitigating risks to IoT and edge network infrastructure, and much more in this latest edition of The Defender’s Advantage Cyber Snapshot. Once again we’re going beyond incident...
Mandiant's 14th edition of M-Trends has been released, offering a comprehensive and insightful examination of the constantly evolving cyber threat landscape. Drawing upon Mandiant's extensive experience in incident response investigations and threat intelligence analysis, the report delves into high-impact attacks and...
Mandiant assesses with high confidence that APT43 is a moderately-sophisticated cyber operator that supports the interests of the North Korean regime.
Download this report to learn:
More about their cyber operations and who/what they are targeting;
How big of a threat they pose, to whom and why;
Shifts in APT43's...
Defender's Advantage Cyber Snapshot은 Mandiant 최전방 관찰 및 실제 경험을 기반으로 점점 더 중요해지고 있는 사이버 방어 주제에 대한 통찰력을 제공합니다. 당연히 관찰된 데이터 리포지토리 및 데이터 유출 문제의 25.81%가 노출된 버전 제어...
Planning and implementing attacks to modify or disrupt the expected functionality of OT systems requires extensive capabilities to gather information about the target, gain access to IT and OT networks, move across intermediary systems and exploit weaknesses in production systems. By enhancing their visibility into...
APT29 and other threat actors have used several methodologies to move laterally from on-premises networks to the cloud, specifically Microsoft 365. This report will help organizations understand these techniques used by APT29, how to proactively harden their environments, and how to remediate environments where...
Even with custom tools, security teams cannot easily see the entirety of their rapidly expanding attack surface and address its challenges. Legacy sprawl, orphaned infrastructure and an increasingly distributed workforce are ever-present complications.
ASM generates comprehensive visibility of the extended...
From January 1, 2022, to March 31, 2022, Mandiant identified common high and critical severity issues that occurred in medium to large enterprises due to unpatched technologies and configuration drift in internet-facing assets.
Download this report and learn more about:
Exposed data repositories and data...
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